GDL Goods Driving License

Online Documentation


In Research and Progress

Initial Version
Initial Version.

APP Backlog

Question and Answer
User feedback: dua soalan ni bertukar² jawapan kenapa ya!!! "sikap pemandu menyebabkan kemalangan" A) cara mengelak kemalangan B)menghormati penguna jalan raya yang lain ✓ C)memandu semasa perasaan yang marah. ✓ dan soalan kedua. perilaku seorang yang menggigit kuku jari tangan boleh ditafsirkan sebagai seorang yang A) sabar dan gugup ✓ B)berkelayakan dan rajin C)sabar dan berasa tidak selamat ✓ kalau macam ni bagaimana saya nak *kunci jawapan* harap pihak aplikasi ini perbaiki masalah ini..TQ

Able to generate randome quiz (e.g. 50 questions) to answer without answer tip until the end of quiz.
User feedback: Able to answer without knowing if I'm correct or not so that I can be able to know how did I do on the test based on your randomized question(it can be a different selection on the main page)
User feedback: Padu... Buat la 50 soalan... 1 ujian masa 60minit..macm real...

Able to toggle to English translation would be nice

Showing Guideline
Showing textbook content before answer the questions

Done Backlog

Question 2021 GDL Q150 - Q43, Q144
Spelling error; Invalid answer;
Thanks to Ray's finding.

Question 25
Soalan 25 Sikap pemandu yang boleh menyebabkan kemalangan adalah Jawapan Menghormati pengguna jalan raya yang lain. #tolongbetulkanjawapan

Show Scoring Result
Tunjuk Markah
Show the answered result.
"i want to see the result at the end"
Tunjuk markah selepas menjawab soalan

Question 30
N0 30 wrong answer provide.

Questions 134 [No fixing is done]
that's answer is A but y this app show C I Don't know

2018 GDL Q150
Q126. You ask 3 factor but you gave 4 and you say all the answers are right. Y is that.

2018 GDL Q150 [No fixing is done]
Q60. Answer tiada kaitan. Ia adalah betul. Tolong bagi pencerahan. Tk

2018 Permohonan Lesen Vokasional
Please check Answers Number 2,In the booklet on application for vakasional license, the answer is (C), but in your Aps the answer A. Which one correct?

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